This function uses a jackknife approach to compute person parameters. The jackknife ability measure is based on primarily estimated models (PP_4pl(), PP_gpcm() or PPall()) - so the function is applied on the estimation objects, and jackknifed ability measures are returned.

JKpp(estobj, ...)

# S3 method for fourpl
  cmeth = "mean",
  maxsteps = 500,
  exac = 0.001,
  fullmat = FALSE,
  ctrl = list(),

# S3 method for gpcm
  cmeth = "mean",
  maxsteps = 500,
  exac = 0.001,
  fullmat = FALSE,
  ctrl = list(),

# S3 method for gpcm4pl
  cmeth = "mean",
  maxsteps = 500,
  exac = 0.001,
  fullmat = FALSE,
  ctrl = list(),

# S3 method for jk
print(x, ...)

# S3 method for jk
summary(object, nrowmax = 15, ...)



An object which originates from using PP_gpcm(), PP_4pl() or PPall().


More input.


Choose the centering method, to summarize the n jackknife results to one single ability estimate. There are three valid entries: "mean", "median" and "AMT" (see Details for further description).


The maximum number of steps the NR Algorithm will take.


How accurate are the estimates supposed to be? Default is 0.001.


Default = FALSE. If TRUE, the function returns the whole jackknife matrix, which is the basis for the jackknife estimator.


More controls


an object of class jk which is the result of using the JKpp() function


An object of class jk which is the result of using the JKpp() function


When printing the matrix of estimates - how many rows should be shown? Default = 15.


Please use the Jackknife Standard-Error output with caution! It is implemented as suggested in Wainer and Wright (1980), but the results seem a bit strange, because the JK-SE is supposed to overestimate the SE compared to the MLE-SE. Actually, in all examples an underestimation of the SE was observed compared to the MLE/WLE-SE!

AMT-robustified jackknife: When choosing cmeth = AMT, the jackknife ability subsample estimates and the original supplied ability estimate are combined to a single jackknife-ability value by the Sine M-estimator. The AMT (or Sine M-estimator) is one of the winners in the Princeton Robustness Study of 1972. To get a better idea how the estimation process works, take a closer look to the paper which is mentioned below (Wainer & Wright, 1980).


Wainer, H., & Wright, B. D. (1980). Robust estimation of ability in the Rasch model. Psychometrika, 45(3), 373-391.

See also


Manuel Reif


################# Jackknife ################################################### ### 4 PL model ###### ### data creation ########## set.seed(1623) # intercepts diffpar <- seq(-3,3,length=12) # slope parameters sl <- round(runif(12,0.5,1.5),2) la <- round(runif(12,0,0.25),2) ua <- round(runif(12,0.8,1),2) # response matrix abpar <- rnorm(10,0,1.7) awm <- sim_4pl(beta = diffpar,alpha = sl,lowerA = la,upperA=ua,theta = abpar) ## 1PL model ##### # MLE res1plmle <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,type = "mle")
#> Estimating: 1pl model ... #> type = mle #> Estimation finished!
# WLE res1plwle <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,type = "wle")
#> Estimating: 1pl model ... #> type = wle #> Estimation finished!
# MAP estimation res1plmap <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,type = "map")
#> Warning: all mu's are set to 0!
#> Warning: all sigma2's are set to 1!
#> Estimating: 1pl model ... #> type = map #> Estimation finished!
# EAP estimation res1pleap <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,type = "eap")
#> Warning: all mu's are set to 0!
#> Warning: all sigma2's are set to 1!
#> Estimating: 1pl model ... #> type = eap #> Estimation finished!
# robust estimation res1plrob <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,type = "robust")
#> Estimating: 1pl model ... #> type = robust #> Estimation finished!
## centering method = mean res_jk1 <- JKpp(res1plmle) res_jk2 <- JKpp(res1plwle) res_jk3 <- JKpp(res1plmap) res_jk4 <- JKpp(res1plrob) res_jk5 <- JKpp(res1pleap) summary(res_jk1)
#> PP Version: #> #> Call: JKpp.fourpl(estobj = res1plmle) #> - job started @ Mon May 24 13:27:51 2021 #> #> Estimation type: Jackknife --> mle #> #> ------------------------------------- #> estimate SE #> [1,] 1.7363 0.1015 #> [2,] -1.2290 0.1072 #> [3,] 0.5319 0.1016 #> [4,] 2.3532 0.1173 #> [5,] -1.1482 0.1024 #> [6,] 0.0000 0.0913 #> [7,] -0.6334 0.1133 #> [8,] -1.8278 0.0858 #> [9,] -1.6833 0.0982 #> [10,] -0.0644 0.1186
## centering method = median res_jk1a <- JKpp(res1plmle,cmeth = "median") res_jk2a <- JKpp(res1plwle,cmeth = "median") res_jk3a <- JKpp(res1plmap,cmeth = "median") summary(res_jk2a)
#> PP Version: #> #> Call: JKpp.fourpl(estobj = res1plwle, cmeth = "median") #> - job started @ Mon May 24 13:27:51 2021 #> #> Estimation type: Jackknife --> wle #> #> ------------------------------------- #> estimate SE #> [1,] 1.9587 0.1029 #> [2,] -1.7012 0.1933 #> [3,] 0.8853 0.1336 #> [4,] 2.6364 0.0908 #> [5,] -1.3424 0.1125 #> [6,] 0.0000 0.0894 #> [7,] -0.8377 0.1377 #> [8,] -2.0417 0.1129 #> [9,] -1.9587 0.0916 #> [10,] -0.0843 0.1191
## centering method = AMT res_jk1b <- JKpp(res1plmle,cmeth = "AMT") res_jk2b <- JKpp(res1plwle,cmeth = "AMT") res_jk3b <- JKpp(res1plmap,cmeth = "AMT") summary(res_jk3b)
#> PP Version: #> #> Call: JKpp.fourpl(estobj = res1plmap, cmeth = "AMT") #> - job started @ Mon May 24 13:27:51 2021 #> #> Estimation type: Jackknife --> map #> #> ------------------------------------- #> estimate SE #> [1,] 0.7226 0.1201 #> [2,] -0.6483 0.0678 #> [3,] 0.0910 0.1009 #> [4,] 0.7104 0.2275 #> [5,] -0.7071 0.0584 #> [6,] 0.0000 0.0560 #> [7,] -0.6097 0.1025 #> [8,] -1.2173 0.0637 #> [9,] -0.7433 0.1107 #> [10,] 0.0204 0.0718
## 2PL model ##### # MLE res2plmle <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar, slopes = sl,type = "mle")
#> Estimating: 2pl model ... #> type = mle #> Estimation finished!
# WLE res2plwle <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar, slopes = sl,type = "wle")
#> Estimating: 2pl model ... #> type = wle #> Estimation finished!
# MAP estimation res2plmap <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar, slopes = sl,type = "map")
#> Warning: all mu's are set to 0!
#> Warning: all sigma2's are set to 1!
#> Estimating: 2pl model ... #> type = map #> Estimation finished!
# EAP estimation res2pleap <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,slopes = sl,type = "eap")
#> Warning: all mu's are set to 0!
#> Warning: all sigma2's are set to 1!
#> Estimating: 2pl model ... #> type = eap #> Estimation finished!
# robust estimation res2plrob <- PP_4pl(respm = awm,thres = diffpar,slopes = sl,type = "robust")
#> Estimating: 2pl model ... #> type = robust #> Estimation finished!
res_jk6 <- JKpp(res2plmle) res_jk7 <- JKpp(res2plwle) res_jk8 <- JKpp(res2plmap) res_jk9 <- JKpp(res2pleap) res_jk10 <- JKpp(res2plrob) ### GPCM model ###### # some threshold parameters THRES <- matrix(c(-2,-1.23,1.11,3.48,1 ,2,-1,-0.2,0.5,1.3,-0.8,1.5),nrow=2) # slopes sl <- c(0.5,1,1.5,1.1,1,0.98) awmatrix <- matrix(c(1,0,2,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 1,2,2,1,1,1,1,0,0,1),byrow=TRUE,nrow=5) ### PCM model ###### # MLE respcmlmle <- PP_gpcm(respm = awmatrix,thres = THRES, slopes = rep(1,ncol(THRES)),type = "mle")
#> Estimating: GPCM ... #> type = mle #> Estimation finished!
# WLE respcmwle <- PP_gpcm(respm = awmatrix,thres = THRES, slopes = rep(1,ncol(THRES)),type = "wle")
#> Estimating: GPCM ... #> type = wle #> Estimation finished!
# MAP estimation respcmmap <- PP_gpcm(respm = awmatrix,thres = THRES, slopes = rep(1,ncol(THRES)),type = "map")
#> Warning: all mu's are set to 0!
#> Warning: all sigma2's are set to 1!
#> Estimating: GPCM ... #> type = map #> Estimation finished!
res_jk11 <- JKpp(respcmlmle) res_jk12 <- JKpp(respcmwle) res_jk13 <- JKpp(respcmmap) ### GPCM/4-PL mixed model ###### THRES <- matrix(c(-2,-1.23,1.11,3.48,1 ,2,-1,-0.2,0.5,1.3,-0.8,1.5),nrow=2) sl <- c(0.5,1,1.5,1.1,1,0.98) THRESx <- THRES THRESx[2,1:3] <- NA # for the 4PL item the estimated parameters are submitted, # for the GPCM items the lower asymptote = 0 # and the upper asymptote = 1. la <- c(0.02,0.1,0,0,0,0) ua <- c(0.97,0.91,1,1,1,1) awmatrix <- matrix(c(1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,1 ,2,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1 ,0,2,2,1,1,1,1,0,0,1),byrow=TRUE,nrow=5) # create model2est # this function tries to help finding the appropriate # model by inspecting the THRESx. model2est <- findmodel(THRESx) # MLE estimation respmixed_mle <- PPall(respm = awmatrix, thres = THRESx, slopes = sl, lowerA = la, upperA=ua, type = "mle", model2est=model2est)
#> Estimating: mixed 4PL, GPCM ... #> type = mle #> Estimation finished!
# WLE estimation respmixed_wle <- PPall(respm = awmatrix, thres = THRESx, slopes = sl, lowerA = la, upperA=ua, type = "wle", model2est=model2est)
#> Estimating: mixed 4PL, GPCM ... #> type = wle #> Estimation finished!
res_jk114 <- JKpp(respmixed_mle) res_jk115 <- JKpp(respmixed_wle)